Who Cheats More? Men or Women?

1 year ago

Who cheats more? Men or women? Stirling Cooper delves into the topic of infidelity and cheating, examining data and statistics from around the world. He starts with Australian cheating statistics, which reveal that 40% of women and 60% of men in committed relationships have been unfaithful at some point. Stirling suggests that women may be underreporting their infidelity, making the infidelity rates for both genders likely to be similar.

Interestingly, religious and education level is correlated with infidelity, as less educated individuals reported more affairs, while those with a four-year college degree or higher reported fewer. Political affiliation and income did not show any significant association with self-reported infidelity. Stirling points out that income levels, gender, religious background, and growing up in intact or non-intact families had minimal impact on cheating rates. Comparing infidelity rates across countries, Stirling shares data from abouttown.io, revealing the highest percentage of cheaters in the US at 71%, followed by Germany at 68%, Brazil at 57%, and Thailand at 61%. Iceland had the lowest rates at 9%, with Ireland at 15% and New Zealand at 19%. Stirling also discusses who cheaters are most likely to cheat with. In the US, ex-partners were the most likely affair partners, followed by just friends. In Germany and the UK, it was mostly just friends. In countries like Thailand, France, Russia, and Australia, cheaters were more likely to be involved with strangers, while in Brazil, the majority cheated with people from dating apps.

The discussion ends with possible reasons why women cheat, pointing to a lack of respect for their partners as a contributing factor.

Stirling Cooper is an award-winning adult film star and the world's best sex coach for men.

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Research links:

Immigration DNA Test Online: https://immigrationdnatestonline.com/paternity-fraud-2/ National Library of Medicine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1733152/
J Epidemiol Community Online: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1733152/pdf/v059p00749.pdf
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paternity_fraud#Georgia
Opera News: https://ng.opera.news/ng/en/health/5965ba1f879b4d4b891307a5d4923c46
Tips For Efficiency: https://tipsforefficiency.com/paternity-fraud-statistics/#1_About_2_in_50_British_fathers_are_unknowingly_raising_someone_elses_child
Caribbean National Weekly: https://www.caribbeannationalweekly.com/caribbean-breaking-news-featured/25-percent-of-jamaican-fathers-raising-a-jacket/
Australian Paternity Fraud: https://australianpaternityfraud.org/PATERNITY_FRAUD_STATISTICS-AUSTRALIA_OTHER_COUNTRIES-STUDIES_DNA.aspx
Institute for Family Studies: https://ifstudies.org/blog/predicting-infidelity-an-updated-look-at-who-is-most-likely-to-cheat-in-america
Institute for Family Studies data: https://ifstudies.org/blog/who-cheats-more-the-demographics-of-cheating-in-america
Infidelity Hotspots: https://www.abouttown.io/features/revealed-infidelity-hotspots-around-the-world

0:00 Who cheats more? Men are women?
0:18 My name is Stirling Cooper
0:33 Australian statistics
1:22 Religious factors associated with cheating
2:02 Demographic factors associated with cheating
2:41 Education, income and infidelity
3:25 Intact family growing up versus a non-intact family growing up
4:27 Countries that are the most percentage of cheaters
5:22 abouttown.io statistics - cheating with who?
6:18 So why are women cheating on their partner like this?

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