32-93: The Galactic Renaissance

1 year ago

32-93: The Galactic Renaissance

From the light of the Central Sun the new rays of cosmic energy and activation enter the solar system through the Sun. The Sun downloads the energy into the planet using its magnetic fields as spherical resonance chambers transmitting spiritual beings manifesting as scalar wave entities along concentrated stream membranes within evolutionary expanding energy currents. The GoldRing is the rotating circle of light sealing spiritual bodies in fields of pure harmonic vibration.

Enlightenment continuously combines and connects spiritual beings into absolute oneness. Higher non-physical ethereal energies given through the power of the galactic central suns manifest the electromagnetic waves and charged bodies of sentient life into physical points of existence. Beings of all levels of manifestation that have polarity, spin and power interweave in relationships to create universal expression. The timing of the planet is for part of the greater family to become enlightened to new levels of change and transformation.

From human perspective the changes are coming more quickly now because consciousness is the power of evolution and the stream of all being. Humanity is primarily expressing the Family of Light. The concerns through the ethers of the mind have become overwhelming and strong in seeing through the veil of illusion and polarity. The current is flowing with greater and greater power as the Family of Dark begins to recognize there is a shifting of energies. The emotions of the lower entities are vibrating at a very strong rate as the evolutionary energy is beginning to causes pain and anguish among those who have not made the decision to grow into the higher light.

Galactic Telepathy and clairvoyant awareness of the invisible worlds is now coming into convergence so that the world of humanity will experience paradigm shifts of a new renaissance. Words are spoken with the higher truth and knowledge of the interrelationship of all being to primal creative source. Answers are given and interpreted by your mind to give your foremost spirit direction. You are a multidimensional being exists in many times, places and dimensions. The questions formulated are spoken to offer up to your expanded non-physical energetic inner teachers, guides and your highest angelic self avenues, paths and methods to communicate with your present consciousness. Each point or cell of the greater body is learning to attune to the greater being in silence, oneness and absolute acceptance so the voice and vision becomes aligned and the key opens through the vehicles that you inhabit.

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