Bret and Heather 180th DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Allergies, Adjuvants, & Affirmative Action

1 year ago

In this 180th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

We begin by discussing Bret’s 2021 conversation with RFK Jr., which DarkHorse released this week—why the delay, and what revelations are therein? Then we discuss adjuvants in killed virus vaccines, and whether the intentional awakening of the immune system with adjuvants may contribute to allergies. And we discuss affirmative action, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision this week, which found in a 6 – 3 decision that using race as a factor in college admissions is unlawful. Reviewing some of the relevant legal history—the ratification of the 14th Amendment (1868), Plessy v Ferguson (1896), Brown v Board of Education (1954), University of California v Bakke (1978), and Grutter v Bollinger (2003)—we then discuss the opinions put forth by both the majority and dissent in this case.

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