My words speak to the same love albeit in a different voice. Blessings, M

1 year ago

vaylawingmakers - Hello love
Read the document.
Have the following thoughts, hope they are helpful.

The things that bind and limit us are evidenced in our day to day lives
as human beings. I do not believe that they make us less than divine nor
do I believe that there was a divine, cosmic event that rendered us
faulty, dis empowered or altered from our Godlike design.
Nature is perfection as are we. In the course of events we and Earth
herself are evolving and this evolution is perceived from a dimension of
contrast (good and evil, right and wrong, empowered and victim). Despite
the experience of this "duality" and fear every day I see evidence of a
pure and perfect love that transcends such fear as lovers make love to
partners with HIV, health care workers work in highly contaminated
areas, firemen run into burning buildings to save lives.
These things are not evidence of fog, they are evidence of love
expressing itself beyond reason, fear and cause.The divine essence that
we are in perfect action.

It is true that technologies exist that can effect the human ecosystem's
in manipulative ways but it is also true that we have a connection to
the divine that is incorruptible and unified available to us each moment
that we choose to embrace it.
Systems are transforming, illusion is revealing it's thin guise and in
the most loving way possible. The evidence of the structures influencing
financial systems, science, natural resources and politics are there to
be seen for all who are willing.
Nothing is concealed to an open heart. There is no illusion great enough
to capture the great light within us, within life. We are more than the
minds that we perceive through, they are mere lenses of perception. Our
identification with those minds can indeed lead us to believing in a
more limited "reality" than what exists but even this is not
enough to bind us.
The "quantum, space between, bozon" or other so named isness is as easy
to reach as a breath. If we continue to attempt to "solve" our
limitations with the collective that created them we will indeed go
round in circles of trauma and stay in the loop of associated thought.
The mind is entrained from infancy to associate, each thought we have is
connected to our "files" of related impressions of creation. These files
are sometimes stored as trauma loops, fields of input that while
incomplete in perspective have caused enough of an impression to imprint
We can heal the trauma by integrating it, loving it whole. Not
separating it into yet another conceived reality or schematic.

The heart field exists as the quantum. Our sovereignty is actualized
there, as it is here when we no longer identify with the mind.

Beloved human beings can choose to "identify" with greater and more
lovely hierarchical structures which simply re create the same patterns
in more beautiful colors. We can also choose to identify with the
absolute, more challenging perhaps to the ego but instinctual just the
same. We can all return to this "identity free" state of love, grace and
life. Love waits, eternally present, flawless and victorious for us to
simply receive.

I appreciate the wisdom and love in the document you forwarded to me, it
comes from a voice that speaks of sovereignty in a time of great dis
My words speak to the same love albeit in a different voice.


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