understanding the multidimensional nature of being

1 year ago

I am listening
I am feeling
I am knowing
I am hearing

I hear your energy
I feel your energy
I know your tone
I hear your tone

It is rising up
It is getting stronger
It is awakening
It is becoming
It is knowing
It is seeing

When you step out of yourself and begin to look within and see that there is something deeper, something stronger, something greater, and something very much brighter; there is joy and bliss that is found there.
Communications are coming from many levels now. Millions and millions are waking up to their Inner Teachers and finding a new way to express themselves. The artists, and painters, musicians, writers, poets, have always found this Inner Teacher and respected its awareness and imagination. It gave them a greater sense of understanding of this ‘Touching the Divine’.

The religious, spiritual leaders have also known this and have wanted to express this to a reticent humanity. Humanity has looked the other way towards materialism as it was part of the structuring of this reality; was to create technology, and to build and to formulate these worldly matters that are of great importance to your manifestation and creation.

They are important because they provide the comfort of the soul. They provide the body and the clothing for the soul to make the next step into evolution. The technology is important because it allows for the awareness of the mind to create communication streams and grid points between each of the other minds. It is not what it seems. It never is. And so, when you look at this now, you wonder: ‘What does this mean? What does this mean this world with six billion, seven billion souls and billions more of non-physical entities?’

This is where understanding the multidimensional nature of being is important. It is also a place where the new physics and the understanding of a different style of being that One is beyond electricity, beyond electro-magnetism, beyond force fields, beyond gravitation, beyond all elements of third dimensional physics and fourth dimensional quantum physics.

What occurs at this level is the transmutation of energy into a Oneness grid. That Oneness grid allows for the time space-structure continuum to fold over and to dissolve into this oneness. In this Oneness grid it is a membrane being talked about in science as the brains or the invisible, tiny structures that layer all existence into a complete continuity.

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