Surrender to Love Energy Vlog

1 year ago

The title is form the Starseed card of the collective that watches these videos need to hear about. the card was actually Surrender to the sweetness but
Shala took it to the sweet love of open heart. we started with the date though that being July 1, 2023 thus we have first the mont and year two sevens giving us #14 the temperance card. Therefore,this is a month for temperance or balance. When we add h the day we have #15 the Devil Card, thus addiction obsession or deceitful attack of truth.

The Schumann Resonance Today showed us an amplitude power of 14 The Temperance card, calling for being a bit detached from the drama of mass media. The quality power was 7.60, thus we have #13 the Death card a transformation or transition or rebirth. The frequency average was at 7.83 hertz , thus #18 The Moon card , queen of the tides. We gave the transits from the Daily planetary guide. We have a Sagittarius moon T squares Jupiter in Taurus, it then transits Mercury in Cancer, trines Venus in Leo, and t squares uranus in Taurus. When we look at it all we could say the Deevil despite his lies and greed is Tempered to balnce by death who transformed him for awhile under the Sagittarius Moon.

We paused and came back with my twin flame Shala and the council of Twelve. Their message on the surrender to sweetness card from the star seed Oracle Their take on it was surrender to the heart of love. it is the glue that hold the stars in their galaxies and the galaxy in the universe. The remind us we are made of stardust with a sparks of the creator within you so be strong and brave people.
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