Tales from the Ice House: The Parable of the Prodigal Waddler

1 year ago

Howdy Everybody!
Thanks for all of your support! Today we talk about the heartwarming tale of the Prodigal Waddler...

1:58 - On being a social animal
4.19 - Parable of the Prodigal Waddler
7:55 - Making some sense out of all the rambling.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Punkwaddle

Check out the Floral From Under A Rock channel for our weekly Wednesday show with all of the puppets From Under A Rock: https://www.youtube.com/@FloralFromUnderARock

And dont forget to check out the Go Punk Your Waddle Collection as well as the rest of the From Under a Rock merch at: https://my-store-c73869.creator-spring.com/listing/go-punk-your-waddle?product=46

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