#NEW | THE MADKHALIS | Fawzān, Ibn Bāz, Sālih Āl Ash-Shaykh, Ghunaymān vs Faris al-Hammadi & co.

1 year ago

In the Name of Allah,

In this video, we bring to light the distortions and deceptions, and outright lies, which are spewed by the Madakhilah. At their very core, they are a sect of extreme Murji'a, who have separated actions from the essence of Emaan. This, in turn, yields heretical beliefs and unbelievable feats of hypocrisy, and blatant and outright lies upon the scholars of Islam, more particularly the Salaf.

We highlight Kufr of the Saudi Arabian Monarchy, UAE Government, and the Egyptian Government - which commit acts that even most Murji'a would declare as Kufr. We then explore the Irja' of Rabee bin Hadi al-Madkhali, a Final Refutation of Judging by other than What Allah Sent Down, and finally the various matters pertaining to Khuruj and Speaking out against the Oppressive Muslim Ruler.

I ask Allah to accept this action purely for his sake, and to place whatever benefit that comes from it in the book of deeds of every Muwahid, and to make it a means of guidance for those sincere amongst the Madkhalis, and a Hujjah against the arrogant and stubborn ones.

HD Video Download Link: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZq86PVZrSfdnMw8MtmXftRBUW03t77VYSw7

If you'd like to translate this video into your own language, please find the .srt file for download here: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZf86PVZijHa5baqPI5S8SRjtFWuX4YspHbV

والحمدلله رب العالمين

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