#NEW | THE ABRAHAMIC HOUSE | #INTERFAITH & #KUFR | Ash-Shaykh Al-Imam Ahmad Musā Jibrīl (حفظه الله)

1 year ago

The Shaykh (حفظه الله تعالى) discusses the various matters pertaining to the Abrahamic Family house, of which is currently under construction in the UAE, and is scheduled to be opened in 2023.

The Shaykh provides the listener with a deep contextual understanding of the history of this satanic movement, and its oft misused Ayāt that are used by the hypocrites of our time, who try and justify this compound of Kufr.

We ask Allah to reward the Shaykh and his family, and make this a Sadaqah Jāriyah for all of them.

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May Allah reward all those who share the work of the Shaykh.

والحمدلله رب العالمين


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