What is baptism and why is it important? How many baptisms are in the Bible? 7 baptisms

1 year ago

Welcome to This Week in the Word!
My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

This week's study: What is baptism and why is it important? How many baptisms are in the Bible? 7 baptisms

In this series I will be looking at a new question each week that was submitted by views during the "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth" series. These questions all pertain to Right Division.

The Bible is full of truth, and the whole Bible is written for us, BUT the whole Bible is written to us. There are division in God's word. We are instructed in 2 Timothy 2:15 to study by right division.

Our God is a God of division. The first thing God reveals about himself in his word to us is found in the act of creation. God divided the light from darkness. He did stop there. God divided His people from Egypt. Jesus even told us in his earthly ministry that He came to cause division. So when we read and study God's word, we need to do so by rightly dividing.

In our last series we covered the huge topic of Right Division. During the 6 months or so it took to cover this topic, I received a number of emails asking me specific questions on Rightly Dividing. I answered those emails, but some of them were really good questions that I am sure some of you have asked, so I thought I would share my answers with you all.

If you have questions on Rightly Dividing, please email me your question with permission to read your email on the channel. My email is TinyLifeBigMission@gmail.com

#thisweekintheword #tinylifebigmission #TLBM #RV4JC

Rightly Dividing Tags:
#rightlydividingthewordoftruth #theBodyOfChrist #rightlydivide #rightlydividing #rightdivision #rightlydividingprophecyandmystery #prophecyandmystery #God'splan #keptsecretsincetheworldbegan #God'ssecretplan #spokensincetheworldbegan #paulineepistles #paul'sletters #rightlydividing101 #howtorightlydividetheword #whatisrightdivision?

KJB Tags:
#kjv #KJB #KJVonly #KJBonly #kingJamesVersion #KingJamesBible #kingjamesbibleonly #kingjamesversiononly #whythekingjames? #kingjamesonly #doesbibleversionmatter? #doctrine #doctrinematters #whydoctrinematters #doctrinebasics

Christian Tags:
#calledtoshare #discipleship #discipleshiptraining #biblestudy #biblestudywithme #biblebeliever #howtostudythebible #dispensationalist #dispensationalism #dispensation #dispensationalismexplained #biblereview #bible411

Weekly Tags:
#QuestionsonRightlyDividing #whatisbaptism #whatisbaptismandwhyisitimportant #howmanybaptismsareinthebible #7baptismsinthebible #7baptismsinscripture #definebaptism #shouldigetbaptized?

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