Presumed human remains found in Titan sub wreckage - BBC News

1 year ago

Presumed human remains
Human remains are believed to have been found in wreckage of the Titan submersible, the US Coast Guard has announced.

Pieces of the sub, which imploded while on a deep dive to the Titanic, have been recovered from the seabed.

Coast Guard officials say the wreckage includes the sub's landing frame and a rear cover .

US medical professionals are to conduct a formal analysis of what is believed to be human remains.

All five people on board the vessel died on 18 June after it imploded about 90 minutes into a dive to view the 1912 shipwreck, which lies at a depth of 3,800m in the north Atlantic.

Those on board were 61-year-old Stockton Rush; British explorer Hamish Harding, 58; Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his son, Suleman Dawood, 19; and French diver Paul-Henry Nargeolet who was 77.

Huw Edwards presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Jonathan Amos.

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