Bases in La Gomera - a Blog with Interviews

1 year ago

Bases Tv was invited to visit and interview some guests in LoGomera, by good friend and local wellness coach Ananda Gaya Maya. Three appear in this blog, French author Roberto Durante, who's book was banned, as it mentioned life after death. Ananda gives an introductory interview and "Enki", who is an Italian who has engaged a high level personality called "Enki". His interiew was interrupted by a disruptive apartment owner, who deliberatly stopped the interviews. Enki has many extremely important concepts to reveal, such as Zero Entropy. A further interviewee failed to turn up. He was a Draft Dodger from the Vietnam War, still living in Spain. His art is all over an abandoned wreck of a building near the beach.
Full long form interviews are available on BASES TV.

Bases channels on YouTube are under hostile attack by YouTube, which Enki explains is a "loosh collector, and trader".
Bases-TV is launching, and is under development. It is a subscfrip[tion based platform, so the Bases project cfan sustain its output and greatly add to its coverage.

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