"Breaking The Chain" Vol.16- Bryce Richard's Testimony~ "Santuary Counties"

1 year ago

I want everyone watching this video
... to read the 4th Amendment this 4th of July!

Fourth Amendment:

The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides that "[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Castle Doctrine Must be held in full force & effect:

The castle doctrine refers to an exception to the duty to retreat before using deadly self-defense if a party is in their own home.

Under the doctrine of self-defense, a party who reasonably believes they are threatened with the immediate use of deadly force can legally respond with a proportional amount of force to deter that threat. The doctrine of self-defense is subject to various restrictions which differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

One such restriction on self-defense is the rule to retreat. In jurisdictions that follow the rule to retreat, a party is not entitled to a defense of self-defense unless they first tried to mitigate the necessity of force by fleeing the situation, so long as retreating could be done safely. That said, in jurisdictions that follow the castle doctrine, this restriction has an exception for parties in their own home. A party in their own home does not have a duty to retreat and, therefore, is entitled to a defense of self-defense so long as the other requirements of the defense are met.

The castle doctrine exists in both common law and Model Penal Code jurisdictions.

[Last updated in July of 2022 by the Wex Definitions Team]


***Everyone should feel safe at home!!! ***

***2022 ~ agents working for the FBI kicked in 238,000 American's home doors with no knock no warrant searches in 2022***

These are total breach of trust both in our homes and with our children' lives. Join Bryce and volunteer to help start and protect your
"Sanctuary County"
to protect children and their loved ones from medical mutilation and official oppression, malicious prosecution, & false arrest for standing against these VOID and unconstitutional orders!

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