New York Concentration Camp Legislation- NY Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

1 year ago

Things are just going to get CRAZIER & CRAZIER with these people in POWER as they become more DEMONIC by the day! A year ago New York state Governor had some unconstitutional legislation put in where wannabe dictator KATHY HOCUL as NY Governor could put ANYONE she wanted into a QUARANTINE CAMP and that person would be stuck there until Kathy changed her mind. UNF@CKEN BELIEVABLE!!!

Nobody in government did anything to challenge this, so NY Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox took this up on her own time & money and took it to court last June 2022 and won in court and Governor Kathy Hocul waited quietly until AFTER the November election and after she WON (rigged election?) another term as Governor she immediately turned around and filed an APPEAL to the judges decision on it being UNconstitutional and she does this using TAXPAYER DOLLARS!!! These Tyrannical DEMONS are in full view working tirelessly to enslave us.

I posted this interview with New York Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox 4 months ago.
NY state Governor Kathy Hocul still wants to bring back Quarantine camps
New York Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox joins Maria Zeee to discuss Governor Kathy Hochul's appeal to BRING BACK government quarantine camps, a new Bill that has legalized turning humans into compost and much more.

Bobby Anne Cox's rumble account

Source: Tommy's Podcast

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