Introducing Michael Cottier

1 year ago

Assisting youth is vital, important and a journey worthy of the community to participate in. Each town, suburb and city has different measures of ingredients and yet the Australian wide and International circumstance have International influences. years of being on the front line of young offenders in the most disadvantaged and dysfunctional communities of Sydney's inner suburbs from Waterloo to Woolloomooloo with my duties spread across all the liaison roles you could possibly mention, including school lecturing, media, Aboriginal Community Aid Panel for young offenders, Police Citizens Youth clubs as relieving programmer and more such as a trained Criminal Intelligence Analyst, all have helped me look into these issues, and the community sort to inform me at every turn, and discovered these young people are being farmed deliberately, their communities farmed deliberately involving the most senior levels of Government orgs behind it all, to create opportunities to take children and harm families for the most heinous of crimes for the darkest of agendas. Courts, Police, Child welfare, politicians, juvenile justice and much much more, even Royal Commissions. My first day after exiting the NSW Police with my life I became a Juvenile Justice Mentor for both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal juveniles offenders and I actually gave the fourth lecture in my own training to be a J.J.Mentor and I had to FUND my work with young offenders and later seek to receive funding back, and known senior political leaders known to be pedophiles were identified and no actions taken. The Australian Federal Police, The Military are tools to continue these heinous crimes and internationally controlled and manipulated. This is the journey of truth people are seeking to wake the masses. There is much work to be done after the people wake.

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