6/27/23 Pretty Little Liars "The Devil and John Durham" part 2 S2E4Rp2

1 year ago

“Pretty Little Liars”
This is my last week in California ahead of our big relocation, which is why we’ve been re-broadcasting episodes recently. Keep us in your prayers, please, and hopefully we’ll have new material for you in another month or so! For today, “The Devil and John Durham” continues by examining the media fallout from the Durham Report. Today we’ll see that the talking heads, pundits, and columnists are all playing a game as old as time, mimicking the behaviors that led to the War in Heaven, from which all evil has followed.

"The Devil and John Durham" Part 2: 6/27/23
This week we’re re-broadcasting our recent episode about the Durham Report and our reactions to it to help us understand Bible prophecy, and the book of Revelation specifically.

Season 2 Episode 4R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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