Pride Sunk the Titanic

1 year ago

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My wife and I were feeling the effects of adulthood and the relentless responsibilities that come with it that we felt the need for some romantic renewal in our relationship, so we did what all older millennials do. We watched Titanic together.

And that inspired a renewed but passing interest in the historical events that led to the sinking of the Titanic as well as the reaction to the tragedy in the aftermath. It’s this routine that we rehearse every time something bad happens. You know, where we pick ourselves up from the grief and resolve to never let something like this happen again.

in the case of the Titanic, like so many other problems that call out to us for solutions, they responded as if the main problem was a lack of rules and regulations it’s a systemic problem. Like, there weren’t enough safety standards, or regulatory bodies to prevent such a terrible tragedy.

But if after contemplating how a thing can go badly the kinds of rules to be followed can seem obvious, why weren’t they obvious to us before the tragedy? In considering the multiple errors that accumulated to the disastrous sinking of the Titanic, anyone with a shred of common sense would say, uhh… maybe that’s not a good idea.

So, when we ask the question, why did the Titanic sink and so many people die? our answer is, well, because the rudder was too small for the size of the boat, they were travelling too fast in hazardous waters, the sea was too calm which prevented lookouts from seeing waves breaking on hazards like icebergs, there weren’t enough lifeboats

Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here:

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