777 Portal 🌞 July 7th | Important Energy Update! 🔥

1 year ago

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Read my Summer Solstice 2023 Reading here: https://angelwingsholistics.com/blog/summer-solstice-reading-21st-june-2023/

The annual 7/7 energy portal that happens on July 7th is of particular importance this year. We are in a number 7 year in 2023, so this makes this year's portal carry the powerful and mystical 777 energy.
Lets look at what this will bring for us all, and then pick a card at the end for an extra message! ✨🐲

Please remember these are group readings, so take what makes sense for you and leave what doesn't. If none of the messages resonate for you, this might not be your reading.

🌞Timestamps 🌞
0:00 Intro
6:00 The 777 Portal Reading
45:11 Pile 1
48:11 Pile 2
52:37 Pile 3
56:56 Pile 4
01:00:32 Pile 5

Cosmic Dragon Blessings to you! ✨🐲

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Need another message?
⭐Pick a Card from my deck The Angel Wings Oracle for free!⭐



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📕Dream Bigger - How the Law of Attraction really works

📕Angel & Oracle Card Reading Journal

📕Tarot Reading Journal

Disclaimer: All readings are intended for entertainment only.

Video Description: This reading gives us some insight about the 777 portal this year what energy we are influenced by and how it will affect us. We will also look at the next 6 months and finish with a pick a card reading to get some extra advice for the 777 portal and beyond.

Tarot readings can be used to empower yourself with spiritual knowledge and foresight and must be used with wisdom and kindness. Nothing is ever set in stone, remember that you are the master of your own destiny!

#tarot #pickacard #spiritualguidance #tarotguidance #777portal #777 #7/7portal #7thjulyreading #7thjulytarot #6monthreading2023 #next6thmonthstarot #energyupdate2023 #energyupdatejuly2023 #oralcecards #pickacardreading

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