Enemy of OUR Souls, I'm NOT having this! Now HEAR THIS!!!

1 year ago

Absolutely! I should add this as often as I can remember to; amen: and that is----> THE PRAYER TO SALVATION...

Link-[The ‘Prayer’ to ‘Salvation] Pg 01

1. Salvation? What is that? Saved from what?

2. Who will Save me from hell? How did He Save me? Why did He Save me?

3. Jesus, the 2nd Person in the God-Head, is LORD & SAVIOR; He and only He can and is willing to save your eternal soul from the judgment of hell. Why hell? (Unrepented of Sins). It is not His ‘Will’ that anyone would loose his eternal soul because he or she, does not accept and receive Him; Jesus the Christ, as their Lord & Savior. That said, there is no other way to enter into the eternal rest and the Kingdom of GOD found only in Jesus Christ, except by Him (Jesus Christ).

Salvation Scriptures 1611 Edition-> (King James Version) of the Holy Scriptures:

and, they are as follows:

Luke 19: 10
John 1: 12
John 3: 3
John 3: 16
John 8: 32
John 10: 9 – 10
John 14: 6
Acts 16: 31
Romans 3: 23 – 24
Romans 5: 8
Romans 6: 23
Romans 10: 9 – 10
Ephesians 2: 8 – 9
Hebrews 2: 3
Hebrews 12: 2
1 John 1: 9
1 John 5: 11 – 12
Revelation 3: 20

Link: The Prayer to Salvation

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