The Olympic took 1,100 to their death Energy vlog

1 year ago

The Olympic took 1,100 to their death Energy vlog Titler is vroom a video I sharede today from FCB D3 code on the titanic wichita was actually the Olympic its sister ship of the white line shipping line recently purchased by JP Morgan the father of the Federal Reserve or at least the one of the banker that became the Federal reserve which has no reserve and is not federal it is a private banking cartel. We bring you this video on June 30, 2023, thus 43 or#7 The Chariot card Moving swiftly like the Olympic into the Iceberg to bring the White star line a cool 12 Billion in insurance money, Lloyd's should have sued Jp morgan for insurance fraud.
We started with the Schumann resonance today Disclosure site and the amplitude power of 66,thus #12 the Hanged man card a suspension of action, a change of perspective, and a sacrifice voluntary or not in the case of the Olhympic the sacrifice was not voluntary for the 1,100 That died. The quality power was 8.50, thus #136 The Death card a transition transformation into something else , like change of the Olympic into the Titanic. The Frequency Average was 7.74 hertz. The combination of all these numbers gives us The chariot swiftly moving upon the hanged Man hanging by a foot and changing his perspective on the Death of the Titanic name under the light of the Moon which should have warned them of the iceberg with plenty of time to avoid an iceberg.
We did go over The space Weather news site showing jus a class C CME based on the X ray flux chart but it was coming off the backside of the Sun. The solar wind density of nine protons. The solar wind Speed was up to 510 kilometers per Second. The Temperature was at 250,000 Kelvin.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News site:
FCB D3 Code video on the Titanic switch:

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