RFK Jr. - Swamp Drainer Reporting for Duty

1 year ago

There are also millions of patriotic, freedom-loving Populists such as myself--people who voted for Trump in 2016, but no longer trust him to uphold and defend the Constitution, as he swore a swore he would before he took office in 2017. After all, he failed to do so [miserably] in 2020 when he locked us all down like criminals, essentially placing us under house arrest, and unconstitutionally depriving us of our Liberty, our Property [in the case of most business owners], our right to Assemble, our right to Due Process, our right to practice our Religion, and most egregiously, our right to Free Speech. He perjured his Oath to "uphold and defend the Constitution" in many other ways as well. There's no exceptions in the Constitution for pandemics, nor anything else when it comes to our Unalienable Rights.
Add to that the fact that Trump never drained the Swamp (not even one inch) as he promised us he would all throughout his 2015-2016 Presidential Campaign. That's the reason why we elected him, was it not? Instead, when he arrived in the White House, rather than put reform-minded people in key positions of his Administration and fire all of the "Obama Stay-behind Operatives," he just surrounded himself with a bunch of Neo-con Swamp Creatures leftover from the Bush Administration, and then ejected all of the real patriots who were around him (people like Mike Flynn and Steve Bannon, for instance). After that was all done, and the real reformers were out of the way, all he had to do was get on with performing his greatest [reality TV-like] role yet for the next four years, which was that of an embattled "would be" reformer President who genuinely wanted to drain the Swamp, but just couldn't do so because of all of those evil Swamp Creatures who stood in his way.
How can any [honest] lover of Liberty and our nation's Constitution give Trump a "Get Out of Jail Free" card for what he did and didn't do as President? I sure as hell can't. Fool me once, shame on him. Fool me twice, shame on me. I see Trump for what he really is--a Judas Goat, and a brilliant move on the part of the Establishment. In my opinion, Trump always was, and still is, nothing more than "Controlled Opposition." All the central banking families need now in order to hammer the final nails in the coffin of freedom is just four more years of Trump pretending to be the "reform" President who couldn't.
Independent-minded Americans like me--people who aren't married to either party--people who value integrity and adherence to the Constitution [and to GENUINE SWAMP-DRAINING GOVERNMENT REFORM] more than a candidate's party label, are now changing our registration to Democrat [with our noses pinched, of course], just so we can vote for RFK Jr. in the Democratic Primaries. That is, presuming the Dems actually allow voters to choose their candidate Democratically, which is something that's still uncertain right now.
Wouldn't it be wickedly ironic if the DNC did Kennedy like they did Bernie [the Commie] Sanders when he ran against Hitlery Clinton, overriding the expressed will of the majority of Democratic Primary voters with their Super Delegate [election fixing] scheme? That would be SO UNDEMOCRATIC of them. LMAO!
America needs a man like RFK Jr. to lead us out of the darkness that our country has been trapped in since the Coup of 1963 when the CIA killed his Uncle, John F. Kennedy, and then later murdered his Father, Robert F. Kennedy while he was campaigning for president in 1968, and then again later in 1999, when they used yet another one of their Manchurians (a mind-controlled Flight Instructor) to murder his Nephew, JFK Jr., when it became likely that he too would make a run for the Presidency.
Basically, our country has never been the same since November 22, 1963, folks. Take the word of an old man like me--a learned student of history, and someone who has had a front row seat to watch the systematic destruction of our once GREAT country ever since that fateful day.
I grew up in the Dallas area, and I was actually there the day that JFK was murdered. In fact, my Mother was holding me in her arms there on the tarmac at Love Field when Kennedy and his Wife, Jackie got off the plane. We were a part of a very large crowd who were waiting there to greet him.
Actually, my family is vicariously connected to the JFK assassination saga in a lot more more interesting ways than that.
My Dad had an ongoing feud with Jack Ruby (the man who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald). In fact, just a few weeks before the assassination, my Dad busted out the back window of Ruby's pickup while it sat parked in front of the Carousel Club, which was a titty bar in Dallas where everyone who was "anybody" there hung out (including lots of Dallas cops). Ruby and my Dad had been feuding over a woman (a titty dancer) who worked there at the club, which Ruby was managing on behalf of its Jewish owners. Apparently, Ruby had been mistreating the lady in some way that my Dad found objectionable. He never would give me the specifics about what Ruby did to the woman. He just told me that Ruby "deserved it... and a lot more"
LOL. Chivalry was still alive and well in America in 1963, especially in Texas.
According to my Dad, Jack Ruby was not a Texan. He was Jew mobster who had been moved down to Dallas from Chicago in order to oversee the [Jewish] Mob's turf in Dallas, which included the Carousel Club. He also told me that Ruby's real name was not Jack Ruby. It was Jacob "Sparky" Leon Rubenstein.
Even more interesting than that, if you look closely at the U.S. Congressional Record, you'll find that Sparky Rubenstein was someone who once testified before a Congressional Committee [on organized crime] in the 1950s, after he was called to testify as a witness by none other than our future President, Richard M. Nixon, who was then a U.S. Congressman serving on that Committee. In fact, I believe that was the same Hearing during which FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover so famously assured Congress that the idea organized crime was somehow a big problem here in America was nothing more than a "conspiracy theory." ROTFLMFAO! I also believe that was the first time that this term, which is now used now like a talisman to switch people's minds off, was ever been used by anyone on the Record.
It was a small world back then. Right? Indeed, it was.
Deep State actors like the the CIA and their Big Tech agents like Google an Fakebook [and the sock puppet media] are simply the agents and bag men who work for the thirteen central banking families--the real owners of this world. It is they who own the plantation that we all live on. It is they who are calling the shots. It is they have been herding us all into the Technocratic feedlot that is their New World Order ever since they gained control of our nation's Monetary System in 1913. The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family (a.k.a. the House of Windsor, which spawned the demon, King Charles) and the other architects of this prison planet that we all live on now definitely don't want another JFK-like Kennedy in the Oval Office, especially one like RFK Jr., who not only has a DEEP understanding of how their machinery of corruption and tyranny works, he also knows how to throw a monkey wrench in it, so we can turn this bus around, and get it back on the road to peace, prosperity and freedom again.
If you doubt the legitimacy of RFK Jr., just look at the push-back that he’s receiving right from the establishment. For example, if you happen to turn on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, or FOX (I don't know why you would), or any of the other major, FCC-licensed propaganda networks, you will notice, as you dutifully monitor enemy communications, that they won't give Kennedy any time at all, in spite of the fact that he’s polling at 20 percent among Democrats, and has a higher overall favorability rating among all voters (42%) than ANY other Presidential candidate, Trump included. Instead, they just pretend that he doesn’t exist, hoping that you will too.
Read: The Thirteen Families:
Read: The Coup d'état of 1963

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