BCP: The world of solid science warns against self-destruction

1 year ago

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After the end of the global campaign for the experimental vaccination against Covid-19, many scientists, more than 26 teams, were engaged in evaluating the vaccines. They found metals such as gadolinium, aluminium, caesium, strontium, and tungsten in the blood of the vaccinated. Strontium is particularly carcinogenic.
Dr. Mihalcea from USA has pointed out the connection between Covid-19 and geoengineering. The researcher Clifford Carnicom has investigated for more than 20 years the phenomenon called morgellons and its connection with polymer fibres sprayed from commercial and military aeroplanes. Experts have recently found a chemical match between fibres that were environmentally sprayed upon us and the lipid nanoparticle technologies in the Covid vaccines. The reason why they are spraying that stuff on us is to create a merging between synthetic biology and our biology to transform us into transhuman cyborgs.
Dr. David Nixon discovered that the Covid-vaccinated are emitting a MAC address and he found fibres in the blood that La Quinta Columna Laboratory had described as graphene oxide. The engineer Matt Taylor has recently found it in rainwater or in the mass.
In 2020, there was a conference in Europe called “Euro Science – Open Forum”. Here they mentioned that these transhumanist technologies can also be applied through insects in agriculture.
The evil science changes our DNA, our proteins through modern technology. It can be said that this evil plan aims to make the earth a real hell. Then to exterminate humanity and send it to eternal hell. Dr. Mihalcea investigates the effects of vaccines and the coronavirus, which is already known to have been artificially produced. During her experiments, she found that it reduces up to 47% of the electrical connectivity of the blood. She made it clear that people are being purposefully robbed of their life force. This also applies to cases after vaccination and to so-called long Covid.
Dr. Mihalcea says that people with this so-called long Covid have the following symptoms: they experience chronic fatigue, they have memory problems, and they are only aged 20, some have dementia-like symptoms with word-finding difficulties, brain fog, extreme anxiety and depression, which we know shortens lifespan. And then with this chronic fatigue, people cannot even walk upstairs without feeling short of breath or getting heart palpitations, because the blood is clumped in so-called rouleaux. Other symptoms are heart attacks or blood clots.
Dr. Peter Garyaev from Russia, who was a nominee for the Nobel Prize in 2021, said that one could via 5G enfold and unfold pathogenic genes in coronavirus and make it more virulent. He died two weeks after he had announced it.
The global elitists who play the role of God try to change the order of things, to change us, mainly to change our way of thinking from true to false, from moral to immoral. What does the concept of thinking or mind include? It is not only reason or logic; it is a broader concept. Our mind is influenced by upbringing, true or false information, personal experience, moral or immoral life, various dependencies. Dependent people are not free; they do not accept objective truth. Therefore, we must distinguish between true and false thinking.
Thinking is inspired by a spirit, either the spirit of truth or the spirit of lies. Inspirations can be true or false. A good man seeks objective truth and good; an evil man looks for ways to misuse a certain truth to deceive others and to promote evil. Behind the evil person is the spirit of lies and death – the devil. It is therefore important what you are rooted in. If you are rooted in the aura of your ego, you are thus rooted in the spirit of lies and self-deceit. This spirit then penetrates your whole thinking and has a suggestive effect on your surroundings too. Outwardly, such a professional liar presents himself as an angel of light (cf. 2Cor 11:14f).
As the saying goes, “Tell me what you read, or possibly what you listen to, and I’ll tell you who you are.” Modern people spend most of the time listening to the mainstream professional liars. They are filled with lies and vanity and are then unable to accept and love the truth, let alone sacrifice themselves for its sake. They adopt lies as their own and are ready not only to make sacrifices but even to lose their life for a lie’s sake. The lie has become the most powerful weapon in the process of self-destruction of humanity. Behind lies is the spirit of lies – the devil.
Jesus said to those who had the spirit of lies: “You are of your father the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning … he is a liar and the father of lies.” (Jn 8:44)
We should know that all humans are tainted with original sin – the source of evil, the devil’s seed, which is programmed to cause man’s gradual self-destruction, not only temporal but also eternal.
We are witnessing systematic dechristianization. It is most effectively perpetrated by heretical theologians and apostate prelates headed by pseudo Pope Francis. They introduce idolatry and legal recognition of sexual perversions through so-called synodal LGBTQ journey.
An example of idolatry is the enthronement of the Pachamama demon in the Vatican and the sacrificial ritual in Canada. Here the pseudo Pope, together with the prelates present, had themselves consecrated to Satan while a sorcerer blew on a wild turkey bone whistle.
A frightening case of an evil lie is the gesture of the pseudo Pope Bergoglio, who had the entire Vatican vaccinated twice. In doing so, he set a most pernicious precedent for all mankind. Bergoglio knew the truth and yet he cynically opposed the truth and suggestively lied to all of humanity. If he had warned against experimental vaccination from his position as Pope, which he illegally holds, the whole system of this fatally dangerous vaccination would have gone bankrupt.
Truthful thinking, which was the fruit of Christianity, protected the individual and society from the invasion of lies and evil. Christianity formed public opinion on a just basis and on natural moral principles. Public opinion was thus integrated with God’s commandments. It fostered a deep respect for man. By contrast, the rampant neopaganism built on lies fosters injustice, evil and immorality.
The devil’s strategy is to boost evil which has its source in the heart of man. Therefore, he tries to remove the inhibitions, such as conscience, reason, moral laws and truths, which remind us of death, judgment and eternity. The reality of sin, and hence also Christ’s redemptive death on the cross, is denied. Saving repentance is no longer proclaimed. As a result, evil, perversion, lies and satanism are free to progress.
We see the rise of new public opinion that accepts all depravity and crime. This is achieved through the mainstream media, or factories of lies, which purposefully lead the world to suicidal depopulation. Dr. Fuellmich says that the public has been hypnotized by the evil media manipulation. Media terrorism has been unleashed. An example is the outbreak of mass psychosis during a fake pandemic.
Whose task is it in the first place to struggle for the restoration of society and the salvation of humanity? It is primarily the task of those who call themselves Christians. Through repentance, that is, through a genuine change of thinking – metanoia, lukewarm bishops, priests and believers should become Christ’s disciples and witnesses – martyrés. This will open the door to God and His saving power. Spiritual reform cannot begin without a connection to the transcendent. This is, in essence, about interior prayer, the connection of our spirit to God, the Truth. No positive change is possible without this spiritual foundation of prayer and repentance or, in other words, without a change of thinking from false to true. True and eternal happiness is given us in the crucified and risen Jesus alone.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

25 June 2023

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