1 year ago

in which we do away with etiquette and try to win as fast as possible

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#FirstClassTrouble #BoosterKiwi #Gaming


hey hey let me sing a song real quick hey uh hey I'm a pissed they test a homo sapist when I see you [ __ ] I feel a bit thank you that was really good well done that's a beautiful song I know hey


yo uh you wanna do this yeah let's do this uh I just have a circle a circle or easy he's busy mine looks like Pac-Man eating two dots beautiful that one was easy

oh [ __ ] uh somebody else that I am too [ __ ] dumb

[Music] see you want to turn around buddy

let's have a drink Lobster this is foreign


guys why

yeah ask us why is the first night

why is the first annoyed

oh and here I need someone to help me with this and this yo yo my life guys it's hopsie it's hopsie it's opsy it's opsy it's obviously it's what we know that he [ __ ] he's [ __ ] trying to still kick out Julia now sometimes

you too hey don't murder me oh

boy obviously


nice thank you

I don't smell was it good oh

I want to really a snipe oh finally left the game bro um

what's going okay I have I have crazy plan okay

I know you're good so let's kill everybody

hey please I'm sorry

uh what is this you're dead what the [ __ ] he did what um

the [ __ ] next next

is that everyone [Music]

we just need to get the key guys we just need the blue one

did we kill everyone yeah I think so there's one guy lip we'll just kick him and then say everyone's gone right this is the this is the op strategies where do you want to go it doesn't matter they love meeting


that's everyone easy Strat speedrunner parked it out of Phillips


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