2023 Candidate for Seattle City Council District 4 - George Artem

1 year ago

George Artem is a distinguished candidate running for Seattle City Council District 4. With a rich background as a technology professional, entrepreneur, and published author, George brings extensive experience in enterprise technology architecture and a Master's degree in Information Systems from the University of Washington. Having contributed to strategic solutions for higher education institutions and government agencies, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, he possesses valuable on-the-ground technical knowledge and proven leadership. George's return to Seattle from the East Coast was driven by his desire to address critical community issues such as crime, homelessness, mental health, and drug abuse.

George currently serves as an AmeriCorps Vet Corps member, working closely with the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs at Antioch University in Seattle. His dedication extends to weekends spent at the Shoreline Veterans Center, where he actively supports veterans. Additionally, George directs a team of engineers focused on developing payment gateway and drop-shipping applications, integrating the dogecoin cryptocurrency into large e-commerce ecosystems. Beyond his professional endeavors, George remains committed to making a difference in his community through his civic involvement.

George's campaign is centered around key policy priorities that reflect the concerns of the Seattle City Council District 4 residents. Regarding police and public safety, he emphasizes the need for a fully funded Seattle Police Department while holding law enforcement accountable for misconduct. George advocates for increased community engagement, cooperation between law enforcement and community organizations, and data-driven approaches to effectively address crime. In terms of drug possession, he aims to work with city council members, the mayor, and the city attorney's office to revise the municipal drug possession statute, promoting reasonable penalties for hard drugs and progressive punishment for those refusing court-ordered treatment. George also recognizes the urgency of addressing homelessness, mental health, and substance abuse, proposing solutions such as streamlined permitting processes, private sector investment, and increased access to treatment programs.

Moreover, George is dedicated to revitalizing Seattle's downtown core, supporting efforts to attract businesses back to the area and implementing deregulation initiatives. He envisions a vibrant neighborhood where residents and tourists can thrive. As a lifelong renter, George advocates for tenants' rights and emphasizes the importance of tenant education and establishing housing quality standards. Lastly, in the realm of education, he supports school choice, local control, and lifelong learning opportunities, including the innovation and knowledge sharing potential offered by charter schools.

George Artem's campaign represents a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to address pressing issues and improve the lives of Seattle City Council District 4 constituents. Learn more about his candidacy:
Website: https://www.georgeartem.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeorgeArtem

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