2023 Candidate for Post Commissioner Tacoma Pos 5 - Dave Bryant

1 year ago

Dave Bryant is a Candidate for Post Commissioner Tacoma Pos 5. With an impressive background spanning 26 years in the Navy, including serving as an aircraft carrier captain and leading global logistics operations, Dave brings a wealth of leadership and strategic expertise to the table.

In addition to his military service, Dave holds an Executive MBA from the University of Washington and is recognized as an expert in non-fossil fuel technologies and advanced logistics. Dave's unique understanding of global shipping dynamics positions him as a strong advocate for Tacoma's maritime industry. He recognizes the crucial role that efficient and sustainable shipping plays in our economy, and he is committed to ensuring that Tacoma remains a thriving hub for international trade.

Dave Bryant holds a strong set of values that prioritize key aspects of port operations and environmental protections. He firmly believes in ensuring ready access to port navigation and pier side services, allowing for efficient and smooth operations for ships and cargo. Learn more for his Candidacy:

Website: https://davebryant4port.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DaveBryant4Port
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-bryant-694484/

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