2023 Candidate for Virginia House of Delegates District 99 - Cat Porterfield

1 year ago

Cat Porterfield is a dedicated candidate running for the Virginia House of Delegates in the 99th District. With a diverse background as a Realtor and an award-winning journalist, Cat brings a wealth of experience in understanding the workings of government and the needs of the community. She has immersed herself in various aspects that make a community thrive, from analyzing budgets to following capital improvement projects. As a delegate, Cat's primary goal is to keep citizens informed and engaged, representing their interests and ensuring their voices are heard. With a commitment to transparency and accountability, she aims to be a powerful advocate for her constituents.

One of Cat's key priorities is fighting for reproductive rights. She recognizes that these rights are at stake in Virginia and firmly opposes any laws or votes that would limit access to reproductive care. Unlike her opponent, who would support a complete ban on abortion, Cat pledges to protect every Virginian's right to reproductive healthcare.

Education is another area where Cat is determined to make a difference. Having covered education extensively throughout her journalism career, she understands the challenges faced by teachers and students. She opposes the restrictive mandates that hinder teachers' ability to connect with their students and advocates for a flexible and inclusive learning environment. Furthermore, Cat opposes book banning and the legislation proposed by her opponent that would require educators to report gender non-conforming behavior to parents. She believes in empowering teachers to teach and students to learn without unnecessary restrictions.

As a candidate who fights for the greater good of her district, Cat emphasizes the importance of representing all Virginians. She criticizes her Republican incumbent opponent for voting along party lines 96 percent of the time and supporting bills that harm the LGBTQ+ community. Cat stands for inclusivity and equality, ensuring that her decisions are based on the needs of her constituents rather than personal beliefs or special interests.

Cat's strategy for creating meaningful change involves grassroots government, where community members and local activists play a central role in decision-making. She believes that political impact can be made through voting, running for office, volunteering, and actively engaging in discussions about the issues that matter. With thoughtful leadership, Cat vows to speak truth to power, advocating for protection of the environment, preservation of reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, sensible gun control, racial justice initiatives, gender equality, healthcare, affordable housing, veterans' issues, and transparent and accountable government. She firmly believes that these solutions should be achieved through collaboration and not through dangerous votes driven by extreme right-wing legislators with special interests. Learn more about her candidacy:
Website: http://www.catporterfield.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cat4vb/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PorterfieldCat

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