Max Blumenthal Address UN Security Council on United States Aid to Ukraine

1 year ago

The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal recently addressed the UN Security Council. He spoke on the US funding of the conflict in Ukraine including theft from Social Security. He spoke on the role of US military aid to Ukraine in escalating the conflict with Russia and the real motives behind Washington's support for Kiev's proxy war. He revealed how members of the Biden administration such as SOD Lloyd Austin, SOS Antony Blinken and US representative to the US, Linda Thomas-Greenfield and others have financial profited from the conflict in Ukraine. That includes connection with corporations such as BlackRock. It is a presentation that should be heard not only by other countries and their citizens but, especially by US citizens. Much appreciation to Max Blumenthal and the members of The Grayzone for their audit on the US Congress' funding of the conflict in Ukraine.

Max Blumenthal addresses UN Security Council on Ukraine Aid

#Grayzone #UnitedNations #AntonyBlinken #Biden #United States #MaxBlumenthal #Russia #Ukraine #SocialSecurity #SecurityCouncil #LloydAustin #LindaThomasGreenfield #BlackWater

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