Halls of Yediydeyah - The Axiom of Stevie

1 year ago

"For God's wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth, since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to them. For His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse."

- Romans 1:18-20

It must be a wonder, why there is a skeptic on this channel. The speaker is a video content creator, that goes by the name Chris. He has an undergraduate degree in archeology and claims that he does lots of research. Chris also says he has been on many excavations.

The purpose of having him on the channel, is to illustrate a truth...either Chris is lying or willfully ignorant. One can only draw this conclusion by knowing the academic environment, as well as being knowledgeable about Biblical archeological discoveries.

During the 19th century, the Bible was called into question, as to its accuracy. With the Bible being a religious book, academics at the time, felt that the Bible was a mere myth and every facet could not be considered reliable.

Every person and a myriad of events, were all thought to be fictional. Take for example the Hittite Empire, which was considered to be a made-up group of people. The reason for it? Herodotus, a Greek historian (484 BC - 425 BC), doesn't mention them.

King David was considered a mythological figure, in the same way King Arthur is. All the New Testament individuals, all were considered to have not existed. This includes the Roman official, Pontius Pilate.

This argument concerning historical validity, was completely destroyed by the early 20th century, as archeology uncovered numerous amounts of evidence. Despite these findings, these outdated debating points are still used to argue the Bible is fiction.

If the same behavior was conducted in other situations, people would consider it a "red flag" and recognize those doing so, are engaging in psychological manipulation. There was a time when a healthy level of analysis and debate was considered respectable but with wokeism; independent thought, enforced by group harassment; those days are a distant memory.

This forced acceptance of ideology or perspectives, has infiltrated all of Western civilization. Special interest groups will use such notions of racism to manipulate society towards their goals.



This twisted use of labeling people, to shame and bully individuals so they are removed from the public forum of ideas; exists even in arenas of higher learning. Instead of using rational arguments; hiding facts and belittling people is the norm.

Here is Chris' disinformation: ancient Egypt kept detailed records. This isn't true. For a person who claims to do lots of research, it's amazing how he doesn't know that the ancient Egyptians were propagandists.

They would make people they adored, have "super human" qualities. Case and point:


Those they hated, would have the same treatment as how many other ancient cultures handled such situations: destroy every trace of their existence.

A perfect example of this is Pharaoh Akhenaten. He was the ancient Egyptians version of today's trans movement. This isn't to suggest he was trying to manipulate genders but rather, the parallel lies with Pharaoh Akhenaten radically changed the traditions of Egypt.

As a result, his people hated him. When he was no longer in power, every record of his existence and his wife, was completely destroyed. In their minds, you couldn't have any greater insult than to remove a person's legacy and make them nothing.

The only reason his life was recognized, his tomb was discovered. A tomb, in a capital he built but was abandoned as soon as he passed on. A city completely forgotten, so much so that even tomb robbers never bothered to go there. Typically tombs to Pharaohs were always guarded and were robbed when there were corrupt guards, an intense natural disaster or the kingdom fell.

Pharaoh Akhenaten was hated by his people because he changed traditional Egyptian life. According to the Bible, Moses brought on great suffering to the ancient Egyptians. What would the logical reaction of the Egyptians be?

Chris would have been aware of that...after all, how can you study ancient Egypt and miss these big important aspects of the people, culture and history?

The big question; for Chris and people like Chris...are they lying because they are willfully doing so? The heart of the question reflecting:

"And because they did not think it worthwhile to acknowledge God, God delivered them over to a corrupt mind so that they do what is not right. They are filled with all unrighteousness, evil, greed and wickedness."

- Romans 1:28-29

It's possible that the motivation is flesh driven. Another possibility, it could be spiritual, meaning demonic.


Both could be in operation. I've witnessed many disturbing things in the world of archeology. People have deliberately denied, buried and lied about discoveries of historical value. All of which, to reinforce the ideology of those that want us to believe what they desire as being true.

Look at how simple it is to figure out what the Bible points to as historical evidence:


Yet, the academics are the ones to cause confusion by making up false reasons as to why those discoveries aren't what the Bible is speaking about. What makes it worse, are the "Christians" that reinforce the agenda of those that seek to mislead.

Here are some additional inconvenient truths for people like Chris, as well as all the other haters, deniers and all the backbiters.




Human beings aren't rational but operate by desires and use intellect to justify their actions. This is why institutions can't be fair and objective. The only way to determine truth is to put God's Word above the opinions of people.

"But if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case, the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

- 2 Corinthians 4:3-4

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