What are the Last Days? Is today the day the Lord reveals why you are living in such a crazy world?

1 year ago

In these last days, everyone seems to be giving their last-day opinions. No Prophecy is of private interpretation, so no one will understand the mystery of the kingdom until the Lord is ready Matt. 13:11. It seems, however, that before the foundations of the world, our Creator has chosen this day to be the day when He warns many about the last days or end times!
I am Randall Maxwell, the watchman over the second age of Christianity. I have been granted to understand the mysteries of the kingdom Matt. 13:11. For 46 years I believed others would be able to see the truth and we could study it together John 8:32, but it seems this is my job, with my life at risk, to give to the righteous and the unrighteous the Lord's warning about His return Ezek 3:19, 20.
So right to it! What about the words that change everything "the last days." What are the last days, or the end times? The Last Days are the 43 years, the timeline of the New Testament, of Christian spiritual warfare in the second age of Christianity. They are the timeline of the good fight of faith, also known as the Christian race. They are the 43 years we prepare for the Second coming of Christ when He resumes His reign, after His stepping aside for 1680 years so Satan could reign. Why two ages of Christianity? It seems so that, the world could be populated with Billions for the great wedding feast. The end times, the last 43 years will be the last years when the spirits of the righteous dead go into the Hadean realm. After the great and terrible day of the Lord, the meek will inherit the new heaven and new earth and will be in the great wedding feast, on earth, for the rest of their lives, and the duration of the Kingdom in heaven after they die. Those who die before then and all of those counted as righteous since our apostasy into the ways of men in 340 AD will rise first in the air and be a part of the great wedding feast in heaven. The last days are the last days of Satan's rule over the kingdoms of men. When the Bible is restored those counted as righteous, living and dead, will be in the Kingdom, or the great wedding feast. The Last days of Satan's rule mean that these are his last 43 years of being able to lie about being God 2 Thess. 2:4 and convincing us that we can be righteous judges like God. These are the last 43 years of the insanity of men with Satan as our "fact checker." In just 43 years Satan will no longer steal our peace Rev. 6:4. Only the Prince of Peace can bring peace on earth and He will resume His reign in 43 years John 12:31-32. The last days are the last days of the ways of men; bibles, religions, preaching, and every wind of the peace-stealing doctrine of men.

The revelation that the world is so crazy because Satan is ruling over it with the bibles, religions, and preaching of men is bitter Rev. 11. But, if you have ears to hear, you know already that Satan is stealing our peace Rev. 6:4, and in three years, he will be given more power to rule over evil men. Our monies will all be gone, but you can start laying up your treasures in heaven by supporting the ways of the Lord by being a paid subscriber at substack. Soon, we will have a van store with prepping supplies, including the Sword of the Spirit, zip drives with information, eggs, etc., that you can purchase with pre-1964 silver US coins once the dollar is worthless.
Our phones will be gone at some point. You can try to reach me at 806-416-0747 or 806-216-1161.
At some point, all we will probably have to communicate long distance is ham radios. If we are around and you have a ham radio, then perhaps you can reach me at N5RKS.
If you want to utilize constitutional or junk silver (90% silver US coins minted before 1964), to continue operations after the lights go out, contact us with your information and we will start a non-public listing for those interested. This way, your customers can help to support, protect and continue your business after the lights go out. We will not have a store until the Van is ready, but you can call or mail us a price list. We are putting together some kits for minimal off-the-grid power supplies; inverters, generators, wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, etc. We will have to order some of these items for you or we can show you where to get them i.e. pto tractor generators.
If you are local we want to help you try and figure out how to keep your business running when the lights go out.
Again we do not have a store ready but call us or mail us for quotes, price lists, and ideas. We will be able to deliver in the immediate area for a time, Lord willing.
You can email us at RandallMaxwell@protonmail.com or snail mail @ 16462 HWY 203 Wellington Texas, 79095

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