The Northumbrian Police Helicopter Service

1 year ago

The antonym of a villain is a hero, and not all of them wear capes, even those who fly!

Today, I was fortunate and privileged to be invited to the home of Neal Skelton, who introduced the ‘Eye-In-The-Sky’ to Northumbria Police as he and his team were the first to bring a helicopter into service for the police to tackle crime and search for missing persons in the North East of England.

A tough concept to prove with such high costs involved, however after only two days in service, they knew they were on to something that would help change the effect of policing on the ground. Who would have known just a few years before, this valuable, irreplaceable assistance would come in the form of Eyes In The Sky?

This video take us through the history of policing from the sky, particularly in the North-East of England as Neal shares with us his personal accounts of what was involved to make this happen. A fine example of overcoming adversity and focusing on the positives.

Absolutely Average is proud to present a far from average inspiration. I look forward to your comments on this one!

#NationalPoliceAirService #NorthumbriaPolice #Northumberland

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