What is Psalms 99 and Ephesians 6:2

1 year ago

1The Lord rules as king!
People on earth should shake with fear!
The Lord sits on his throne as king
above the cherubs! 99:1 This is a picture of God on his throne. In the Most Holy Place, in the tabernacle, and in the temple, there were gold statues of cherubs. Cherubs were special angels. God's throne is above these angels.
The earth itself should shake!
2The Lord is a great king in Zion.
He rules with power
over all the world's nations.
3So they should all praise your great name.
It is a name that brings fear!
The Lord is holy!
4You are a strong king who loves justice.
You have made fair rules,
so that people in Israel do what is right.
5 Praise the Lord our God!
Worship him as king.
He is holy!
6Moses and Aaron were two of his priests. 99:6 This is the only place in the Bible where it says that Moses was a priest. Priests were God's special servants. They all came from the family of Aaron, who was Moses' brother.
Samuel was among those who prayed to him.
They prayed to the Lord
and he answered them.
7He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud. 99:7 The pillar of cloud led the Israelites across the wilderness from Egypt to Canaan.
They obeyed his rules and his commands.
8Yes, you answered them, Lord our God.
You forgave the sins of your people.
But when they did wrong things,
you punished them. 99:8 Even when God forgave his people, he still needed to punish them when they did wrong things.
9Praise the Lord our God!
Go and worship him on his holy hill,
because the Lord our God is holy!

God's Law says: ‘Always respect your father and your mother.’ That is the first rule of God's Law that also has a promise.


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