Scooter(48b) More EngBay, Then Up To Davie Village (2xSpeed) (1080p) (12:11) June 29, 2023

1 year ago

Scooter(48b) A bit more of English Bay, then the Rainbow Alphabet Crossing (2xSpeed) (1080p) (12:11) June 29, 2023

Just to finish today's adventure with a bit more of English bay. Then up to the 'Rainbow Alphabet Crossing' aka Davie Village to see what's going on over there.

Quiet today and somewhat cloudy, but I expect the weekend to be sunny, warm, and packed with human sheeple, maybe even some human people. No doubt a few ETs and/or one or two Aliens dressed in a human meat bag is possible, and likely as well this weekend. I'm sure they are all watching 👀 us closely?

Any future videos I do with this older scooter will not have the basket in the frame, I removed it today after this outing.

I added in some other of my music choices. Let's see if it passes YouTube's copyright monster.
So again, enjoy the ride and the 2 of John Lennon's and the Black Eyed Peas. 'Give peace a chance', 'Where is the love' and 'Imagine' If blocked on YouTube you know where to find it.

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