NEW | Battles Of The American Civil War | Ep. 71 | Hunterstown | Fairfield | Tebbs' Bend | Helena

1 year ago


This is a BRAND NEW episode. We are still working on uploaded our back catalog here to YouTube, in the meantime if you want to hear our older episodes or if you prefer to listen on your favorite podcast app, click the link below!

After the huge battle of Gettysburg last episode we take a look at a couple battles happening at the same time. First up is the battle of Hunterstown on July 2nd, 1863, in which Confederate Brig. Gen. Wade Hampton's cavalry engages Union cavalry but withdraws. At the battle of Fairfield on July 3rd, the Confederates look to secure Hagerstown Road which Lee would use after he retreats from Gettysburg. At the battle of Tebbs' Bend, an outnumbered Union force repulses attacks from dismounted Confederate cavalry. Finally, at the battle of Helena on July 4th, the Confederates look to capture Helena, Arkansas to relieve pressure on Vicksburg.

Be sure to check out our all new show called "According To Wikipedia" in which we read random Wikipedia articles so you don't have to! Click the link below!

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