FUN IS ALSO A PART OF a Leaning gognitif Process

1 year ago

Always Excellent... HIDDEN in Plain Site Sight... R I P I P Address. Taken FOR GRANITE STONE IS SET UPON THE GR AVE 4 TAKE NOTHING FOUR iT. What is this Two Letter Word . Nineth Letter i and the 20th Letter T. T Minus Counting DOwn. Notice Mi NUS SUN. As Well VeNUS. UR A NUS SUN. Math is as well needed as the Value of the Word forming more definitions. as Black odd letter and Even. B K 2+11 as Eleven is One plus One is Two or a Longer One . Now B+K are as Well 2+2... B +K=13, L+A+C=16 , 16+13...16+1+6=7, 1+3=4. 74 Jesus...74 Energy... 47 Time. The Intricate Web of Creation the Skeleton Alphabet. Do Not Forget to See game Rules and regulations. All the Exists is a Bi Product of Creation.. Mrtacpans GEO ALPH NUMERIC Youtube and More. Not Forgetting the Art and Patterns
NO 14+15 * TH 28 +29=57 Moon 75 Energy... 57 or 3x19 /13, 31 creating Form. 75, 3x 25 / 37 73.. Too long to explain all the Action Their is a web and it can all be explained.. Note TH begins at 4TH to 20TH IETH

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