Twitter is still censoring people: Proof inside!

1 year ago

Pre 2018 censoring of Christians and Jews on all social media: I would get 3 likes for bad jokes I tell to my feed, 15 likes for okay jokes and about 100 likes for good jokes.

Why does that matter? It proves they were not bots by telling judgement calls.

Then I got censored under hate speech for tweeting an ad,"Everyone should love each other."

Yes you cannot make this up,"God is love. Jesus loves you. Everyone should love each other." fell under hate speech!

After told 50 of the greatest jokes I ever told to news organizations despinning their bullshit. 0 likes.

5 years later and Elon take over, there are still moles in the organization disobeying his free speech order. So despite a huge user base, and expecting my bad jokes to get over 3 likes, good jokes over 20 likes and great jokes over 100 likes... I'm lucky if any joke ever gets one like.... So either twitter is still hardcore censored, or I lost my sense of humor....

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