How YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS are selected (They take only the top ones)

1 year ago

Of course Tulsi Gabbard now knows how HATED & DESPISED the WEF Tyrants are now and hates to talk about it and trying to distance herself making up the BS LIE that they just picked her name without consulting her. LOL! Anyone believe her?

Tulsi Gabbard flashing the two handed Freemasonic sign in front of the Capitol.

CFR Removed Tulsi Gabbard From Its Membership List After Renegade’s Exposé

June 30th 2023: I have noticed that I can't browse through twitter anymore without SIGNING IN. This is new. But I am sure Tulsi still has her 2015 tweet up where she tells the WEF that she is HONORED to become a 2015 TGL.

She is just CONTROLLED OPPOSITION something we see a lot in politics as these control freak elites have to control everyone in politics and it is all about fooling the people. Grass roots people are the only candidates we should support after researching them the best we can.

Normal people like Tulsi because she talks COMMON SENSE compared to all the CRAZIES in power but she is still one of THEM.

Same can be said for Ron DeSantis who is a member of the St Elmo Society where they erased his membership name only days after Mike McKibben's research team found his name as a St Elmo member back in June 2022. But nothing that the WAY BACK MACHINE can't find.

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