Math Olympiad Problems: Fun Algebra Challenge

1 year ago

Hi, I'll show you a cool math olympiad problem, and it's solution. We'll be solving an equation using logarithms. You'll also see how useful logarithms can be. A logarithm is the inverse function of an exponentiation. For example, if we have 2^3 = 8, then the logarithm of 8 to base 2 is 3. In general, the logarithm of a number b to base x is denoted as log_x(b) and is defined as the exponent to which x must be raised to produce the number b. For example, log_2(8) = 3, because 2^3 = 8. Logarithms are often used in mathematics and science to represent very large or very small numbers in a more compact form. They also have useful properties that make them useful for solving equations and performing other mathematical operations.

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