Nikola Tesla UFO Anti-gravity machine

1 year ago

Nikola Tesla is considered one of the most innovative and mysterious men who ever lived.

If Tesla hadn’t invented and researched everything he did in his time, our technology today would be considerably worse. But is there something more to Tesla? Did he have contact with Aliens as he publicly claimed?

He is one of the most amazing inventors our civilization has ever known, and his knowledge and ideas went far and beyond what was known and accepted in his lifetime.

Tesla was a genius, and his inventions and ideas had no boundaries.

Over a hundred years ago, during the first decade of the twentieth century, Tesla filed a request to patent a peculiar aircraft, which he called “the world’s first flying saucer,” the worlds first man-made UFO.

The methods used in the design of the flying saucer matched the descriptions of those who claimed to have seen a from the UFO inside: with a discoidal capacitor with sufficient size to provide enough thrust to fly, while other small capacitors allowed to control the direction of the flying saucer, to which he added a gyroscopic stabilization system and an electric “drive” control.

And if all of that isn’t enough, Tesla had more; the interior of the ship was equipped with flat screens and external video cameras for the pilot’s blind spots.

Tesla’s UFO has eyes, and these were made of electro-optical lenses, arranged in quadrants, allowing the pilot to see everything. Screens and monitors are placed on a console where the browser can observe all areas around the vehicle, and Tesla’s incredible invention included magnifying lenses, which could have been used without changing positions.
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