1 year ago

DHB - 1-Test-Cyp is closer than Equipoise versus Test. They developed this Steroid to be a better version of Testosterone, but it wasn't. As stated, it's in the Equiposie family of anabolic steroids, and it's really good for building thick slabs of muscle in my experience. Where a lot of anabolic steroids will make you look "flat" especially from a side profile right. Tren will especially make you look flat from the side, well stack DHB with TREN and you won't have that issue, the pumps while on DHB are INSANE! The fullness is like no other anabolic! DHB is one of my favorite anabolic steroids, but when you inject this anabolic steroid, yes it does cause PIP otherwise known as "Post Injection Pain" so be aware of that. Depending on how your source makes this anabolic steroid - it should have PIP no matter what, but you can make it, by preventing some of the pain by making it less milligram per milliliter. You can also bring down the PIP by using E-O with MCT oil! There is also other methods but those two are by far the best ways to bring down the intense PIP from DHB.

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