Citizen Grand Juries. Tactical Civics - With David Zuniga - Streamed on: Jun 23, 2023

1 year ago

Citizen Grand Juries. Tactical Civics - With David Zuniga - Streamed on: Jun 23, 2023
David Zuniga is a prolific Author and an extremely knowledgeable person. He is always worth the listen.
Tactical Civicsâ„¢ Teaches America First
You can join with the first month free.
((I had personally joined this group, Tactical Civics, but soon after determined that my skill were best focused on my personal War of Information -
Educating the Well Educated, and Informing the Well Informed.
However, I highly recommend joining this group. They need warriors to fight for our Constitutional Rights.))
Americans who are worried about America's trajectory will be pleased to know of a citizen action organization called TACTICAL CIVICSâ„¢ . With over 165 county chapters from coast to coast so far, after more than 60,000 hours of R&D, TACTICAL CIVICSâ„¢ developed a comprehensive and long-term mission entailing peaceful, lawful action projects and reform laws to bring government back under the control of We The People.
First, the county chapter educates citizens to recognize their power to investigate crime, once impaneled as Grand Jurors. Its proposed County Grand Jury Ordinance will have county government do what 26 California counties already do: add a dedicated web page for citizens to volunteer for Grand Jury and report potential crimes in our county. The group's 'Grand Jury Awake' handbook is a briefing manual for every Grand Jury.
Each county chapter also works with area 'militia' groups to pass a County Militia Ordinance committing county government to lawfully fulfill the constitutional duty that the State has refused to perform. As David Zuniga, Founder of Tactical Civicsâ„¢, explains, "Militia has gotten a bad rap and sometimes it's deserved. We're not a militia group but our chapters teach civics and help restore constitutional Militia. It's right in the Constitution; required by law! Our federal and state servants will not stop violating the law on their own, but once a responsible remnant of the People restore our Grand Juries and Militias and a critical mass of other citizens see the value of restored American civics, we think our state legislature will see the writing on the wall".
TACTICAL CIVICSâ„¢ has a national project called Our First Right, to complete the ratification by the states of the original first Article in the original Bill of Rights, requiring congressional districts to not exceed 50,000 people. Already ratified by 11 state legislatures, when ratified by 27 more, it will give America's 31,000 small towns their first representation in the U.S. House and Electoral College in more than a century.
The political impact will be significant, explains Zuniga. "The corrupt, immoral big cities will no longer control American elections. Small districts, as George Washington suggested, will reduce corruption. Serving in the U.S. House will become attractive to normal Americans to run affordable campaigns and serve as statesmen rather than career lap-dogs of industry and globalists".
But reducing districts to 50,000 people will result in more than 6,400 congressmen. Since the Capitol building and congressional office buildings in DC will not accommodate them, the group plans to work with the large new cohort of candidates to promise to pass its 'Bring Congress Home Act', creating the world's first distributed legislature. Congress would meet by Internet as they often did during the so-called 'pandemic', each member working from one modest office in their own district, under the watchful eye of the People, rather than under the thumb of lobbyists.
"This isn't rocket science," Zuniga explains. "Members of Congress will no longer abandon their families only to be corrupted by DC organized crime. And both House and Senate will be limited to two terms of office."
The organization is working on an artificial-intelligence mobile app, the Indictment Engineâ„¢, to scan every proposed state and federal bill when filed. If it violates the Constitution, the app finds applicable state criminal statutes being violated, sending felony presentment(s) to the Grand Juries in each co-sponsor's jurisdiction. Grand Juries would warn each target to withdraw the bill or face indictment.
Beyond its action projects, the organization has 18 other major reform laws for statesmen to pass over the long term: end the FED's counterfeiting scheme, defund and mothball unconstitutional agencies and regulations, end DC's subsidizing tyrants and plundering foreign countries, truly securing our borders, and more.
The organization's online training center offers an orientation boot camp, live forums for each project team, and a large library of books, podcasts, videos, blog articles and more at
Zuniga is quick to clarify, this is not a militia group. "TACTICAL CIVICSâ„¢ is We The People finally enforcing the magnificent Law that our forefathers left us. And unlike politics, TACTICAL CIVICSâ„¢ needs only half of 1% of the People to take responsibility. We start learning what we weren't taught in school. We turn off the circus of politics and together, we save our civilization by the grace of God."
As I speak, Tactical Civics has all 50 States and just over 20% (653) of all 3141 counties in America! Hardly at the finish line, but I believe I can see if from here!!! I'm over the top excited with the knowledge that we are the 1st Americans who are making AmericaAGAIN!â„¢" PRAISE God! We can just STOP the DCCP (District of Columbia Criminal Party) in their steps and recreate our Republic. All we need is you!
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