Food is Medicine Research primer by Dr. Kurt Hager

1 year ago

This is the 2nd Movers & Shakers Webinar series of the Florida Health and Nutrition Coalition. This webinar is a Food is Medicine Research primer by Dr. Kurt Hager, Seminal FiM Researcher from UMASS Medical, Tufts University, NPPC, and more.

Dr. Kurt Hager’s research focuses on the effectiveness of nutritional interventions and policies on chronic disease in the U.S., including evaluations of produce prescriptions and medically tailored meals integrated into clinical care. He has been involved in policy initiatives at the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation at Harvard Law School, as steering committee member of the National Produce Prescription Collaborative, and with the Task Force on Hunger, Nutrition and Health. He is currently an instructor at University of Massachusetts Medical School where is evaluating the effectiveness of novel programs addressing food and housing insecurity under Massachusetts’s Medicaid Section 1115 Waiver. His presentation will provide background on research to date for Food is Medicine, policy opportunities to expand access to services, and a description of the Massachusetts waiver evaluation.

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