Halls of Yediydeyah - Stairway to Heaven

1 year ago

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."

- 2 Timothy 2:15

Many people are completely unaware that such remnants from antiquity still exist. The secular humanist, heathens and Christians that do not hold to Biblical ideas; do so out of ignorance or the intent to deceive.


Those who seek to honor Biblical mandates, just as it has been put forth in the video linked below:


Will need to put in the time to be able to provide evidence for the faith. There are several recommended resources to help with the intellectually furthering the scientific, historical and the realities of God's Word, the Bible:




Another resource to consider:


The Christian Broadcasting Network, which is linked above, shares any discoveries that relate to the Bible.

There is also a book by the title, The Mysterious Bible Codes by Grant R. Jeffrey. It's one of those "must haves." It documents various aspects of the Bible that shows a higher intelligence was at work, in the creation of the Bible.

This is NOT to be confused with Michael Drosnin's book The Bible Code. Drosnin is a new age practitioner and says things that haven't actually been shown in the discovery of the "Bible Codes."

By putting in both the time and effort to learn; all those honoring God this way; will be blessed in this endeavor. It will enable those that do, to "rightly handle the word of truth..."

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge..."

- Hosea 4:6

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