7/4/23 The Hail Mary Play "God’s Rottweiler" part 2 S1E8Rp2

1 year ago

“The Hail Mary Play”
Today on Something’s Happening Here, we examine a detail from the funeral of Pope Benedict XVI and measure its theology against the Bible. By doing this, we uncover some questions that will serve as context for a prophetic study later in the week. Fair warning, friends, some of you may find today’s show controversial: in fact, someone scolded me for it online when it was first broadcast in January. You can probably still see the comment if you find the original video on Talking Donkey International’s YouTube channel. But my prayer is that we all know Jesus Christ a little more clearly today, even as we’re building toward some heavy prophecy later in the week. Buckle up, friends, we’re just getting started. Welcome to the show.

"God’s Rottweiler" Part 2: 7/4/23
This week we’re re-broadcasting our eighth episode from Season One, all about the life, ministry, death, and prophetic implications of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Season 1 Episode 8R (R for Repeat episodes)
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