Giraffe Pulls Funny Weird Faces At Camera

1 year ago

The video shows a giraffe that pulls its face and mouth in all awkward manners, looking very funny and weird at the same time.

The giraffe is not only the tallest land mammal on earth but also one of the most wanted to see animals when going on safari. So much so that together with zebras, giraffes are the most photographed animals in the African wild. With their long necks and elegantly unique build, giraffes are one of the most iconic animals and symbols of the African continent. Giraffes are herbivores and they browse on the leaves of their favourite trees, scattered around in the African bush and savanna. It was during a safari in the Kruger National Park that we stopped to watch a small herd of giraffe during a late afternoon safari. While admiring the grace and beauty of the giraffes, I saw one individual that didn’t look so graceful. This giraffe looked at the camera and was pulling the most awkward looking faces at me. This looked weird and funny at the same time. It almost looked like the giraffe was singing out loud with its mouth moving and pulling in all directions. One of my safari guests dropped the comment that it looked like him in his younger days after a hard night out in the rave clubs. While there were many jokes thrown around for these funny faces coming from the giraffe, the only explanation for this behaviour was that the giraffe might have had something stuck in its throat, but since they are browsers, it was hard to believe that this giraffe was struggling to swallow a mouthful of leaves. The most likely but unconfirmed reason for this hilarious looking face pulling was that giraffes sometimes do pick up old bones, chewing and sucking on it when they need a calcium supplement. Nonetheless, witnessing such funny looking behaviour from a giraffe, which is rarely seen, was great entertainment for everyone on the safari.

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