Exposing Climate Alarmists at the Global Citizen.

1 year ago

In June 2023, the WHO and the Global Citizen signed a 3-year partnership.
The Global Citizen is an advocacy organization that ‘is dedicated to ending extreme poverty by 2030.’ The Global Citizen Summit #PowerourPlanet was held last weekend in France.
Afribundance noticed that the invited African climate alarmists used exaggeration, race and sexism to evoke the emotions of the already hyper-charged audience . We sought to expose various mistruths shared by these African speakers, lest their fabricated narratives continue to expand.
Did you notice that Climate Alarmist Ms. Wathuti talked about the failed six rainy seasons? She deliberately failed to mention that there has been continuous heavy downpour in Kenya, since March this year.
Currently, the farms in Kenya are beautifully green and the grazing fields are lush with grass and fodder for animals. Plenty of green vegetables around and some farmers are having a bounty harvest of food crops such as corn and potatoes.
Why would she fail to mention all this? Just to feed the ‘climate crisis’ narrative?
Next we are going to listen to two other Kenyan ‘climate justice alarmists’.
Afribundance has noted that none of the African alarmists present (including Kenya’s President William Ruto), spoke on the impact of weather modification technologies, including intense cloud-seeding and solar geoengineering experiments being conducted in Kenya and Africa at large by Western organizations.
How are these affecting the weather and climate change?
Are these experiments responsible for the heavy flooding, cyclones, heat waves among others?

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