Elon & Zuck Cage Fight; No Entrance to Commies; Bud Light; Hoover Dam | YBS: News Roundup June 28

1 year ago

00:00 Intro
00:55 OCON & Upcoming Shows Schedule
02:18 Russia
03:25 Supreme Court
06:02 Elon & Zuck Cage Fight
14:45 Justin Trudeau had a boxing match against a Conservative politician to make a point. All consevatives thought Justin would loose. We all lost. Sad
16:40 No Entrance to Commies
22:45 Bud Light
26:40 Hoover Dam

Live Questions:
34:03 A woman told me that the original meaning of “toxic” masculinity was identifying twisted versions of healthy masculinity that harmed MEN. But it got appropriated to mean, “any behavior by a man that a feminist didn’t like.”
39:01 There used to be a claymation show on MTV in the 90s called "Celebrity Death Match". Musk vs Zuckerberg would have fit perfectly. Maybe they were right when they criticized MTV and TV in general for slowly corrupting culture?
40:58 Josh Hawley is such a goof
41:05 Can you contrast masculinity in the Homeric poems vs the Bible?
42:25 Lex is interviewing RFK Jr. Isn't part of Lex's popularity, a Roark-like unwillingness to let the media tell him who is "acceptable" to talk to?
45:59 Why is China putting military trainers in Cuba?
46:31 Jordan Peterson just did a talk with Dave Ramsay his moral defense of capitalism actually wasn't bad. Would be worth reacting to on your show.
47:43 Yaron: is Caitlin Jenner a man or a woman?
48:17 Shouldn’t discrimination be allowed on private property,even though its morally corrupt. Therefore affirmative action shouldn’t be completely ruled out?! Maybe only on public universities.
51:10 Is the term “toxic masculinity” similar to “crony capitalism”? The attributes being described are not part of properly understood masculinity.

51:50 Outro

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