social media is very similar to kudzoo (why i compare it to porn)

1 year ago

why i strongly suggest limited internet use
religious nutjob nonchalantly bringing up satan's influence CLASSIC ag
the less americans know about it the better
various levels of debauchery in west civ
whatever the fuck is right
men don't have a problem w/ certain women getting involved in politics and yet they say they're against feminism of any kind
women should not be involved in politics
i am making edibles by the way
females that are the exception to the rules need to be quiet *unless of course they are making art (most are just regurgitating lame talking points on podcasts)
if i'm not a feminist then wtf am i doing, right
the world will never see it my way
if they don't understand sumin denial will come naturally
this obsession w/ identity...oh boy
identity takes away our life purpose
how can you have empathy and read these horrible things all day
so many terrible things never get talked about
is it true? follow the $ as well as the intentions of those "victims"
those that make the headlines are paid actors
my source is instinct, i also pay attention and ask questions
americans call anyone crazy who follow their instincts
look at paisley sniffing around
all these options do not lead to a healthy or positive outcome
*while many might consider this position of mine to be selfish it is mainly due to FOMO and brainwashing that they feel that way(i don't expect them to be aware of this)...mass deception and emotional manipulation is not being informed!!!

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