Ep: 005 Gone Fishin’ Creek and Timber Legacy

1 year ago

40 degrees, snow, rain…a raging CFS. So what! We still showed up at 0600 on the Big Tommy just outside Estes Park to go fishing with Chet (Chet Outdoors) and Chris of Creek & Timber Legacy. (Just for the record…they caught fish and Justin got skunked!)

Afterwards, we sat down with the guys to chat about some of their best hunts and learned a little more about the Creek & Timber Legacy project.

Check out the video of our trip about halfway through!


Creek and Timber Legacy began their journey in 2019 with the goal of helping veterans, first responders and families of the fallen enrich their lives through outdoor experiences.

Through strategic partnerships with generous organizations and individuals around the country, Creek & Timber sponsors hunting, fishing and various outdoor outings as a therapeutic answer to help with re-integration issues, confidence building, motivation and overall happiness.

Please consider supporting their cause with a financial donation, or if you are a guide or have land that could be used for a retreat, please contact them directly at: INFO@CREEKANDTIMBERLEGACY.ORG
or visit their website at: WWW.CREEKANDTIMBERLEGACY.ORG

Check them out on Instagram:
Chet @chet_outdoors
Chris @chris.whiz
Creek & Timber Legacy @creekandtimberlegacy

Also, make sure to visit us at www.JoeOutdoors.tv

Instagram @the_joeoutdoors_podcast

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