Archaon: The Coronation of the Everchosen | End Times Lore

1 year ago

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The End Times

Archaon: Lord of Chaos
Book 2 of the Archaon duology

One a devout Sigmarite templar, the warrior now known as Archaon has fallen fully into the grip of Chaos. As his quest for the artefacts of the Everchosen intensifies, dark forces surround him, some seeking to aid him, some to seize his destiny for themselves…

This is where Archaon truly becomes the ultimate Warhammer villain. As he faces the darkness within himself and the forces that seek to shape his destiny, Archaon's struggle provides as compelling a portrait of a Chaos champion as has ever been written.

Archaon – the former templar of Sigmar now dedicated to the Ruinous Powers – continues his quest to claim the six great treasures of Chaos and bring death to the world as the Everchosen of the gods. As he travels the world, from the southern Chaos Wastes to the verdant lands of Bretonnia, Archaon faces unimaginable perils and devastating betrayals. And all the while, Be'lakor, the first daemon prince, plots and awaits his chance to destroy the would-be Everchosen and claim his mantle as Lord of Chaos and harbinger of the End Times.

"So soon the hour of fate comes around. The Everchosen stirs from his dark throne and prepares the blow that shall split the world asunder. Realms of old have fallen, lost beneath the fury of the northlands, or smothered by vermin from below. Some heroes battle on, too stubborn to realise all hope is lost. Their time is past, and a new age of Chaos and dismay beckons. Perhaps I am foolish also, for I fight with no hope of victory. I seek only to weaken the Dark Gods, to shake their hold upon the future. No other course remains; not to mortals, nor the Divine."
—Prophecy of the End Times.

Archaon, born Diederick Kastner, and also known as the "Three-Eyed King," the "Herald of the Apocalypse" and the "Lord of the End Times," is the thirteenth and current Everchosen of Chaos and the last high king of Norsca. He is the self-proclaimed supreme Chaos Champion of the four major Chaos Gods in the form of Chaos Undivided who was sent to command the last and greatest Chaos invasion of the Known World during the apocalyptic age known simply as the End Times.
Of all the Everchosen of Chaos who have assailed the world over the ages, Archaon is by far the most ruthless and perhaps the most powerful. He decided the fate of entire nations, his sword laid waste to heroes and armies and his unbreakable will dominated those of the gods themselves.

Archaon is truly the bringer of the apocalypse, blessed with dreadful artefacts of ancient evil, each one bestowed as a reward for accomplishing impossible trials. In his journey, he claimed the legendary Six Treasures of Chaos which marked him as the Everchosen.

Upon retrieving the last of the treasures, the Crown of Domination, the first Daemon Prince Be'lakor performed the coronation that made Archaon the Lord of the End Times. As the crown was fully placed, the last spark of Archaon's humanity was finally extinguished, as he finally accepted the gods of Chaos to be the true rulers of the cosmos.

With his quest finally complete, Archaon set forth to assault the world as the Herald of the Apocalypse, a warrior who did the unthinkable and succeeded where hundreds of other Champions had failed.

In the climax of the End Times, Archaon battled the God-King Sigmar reborn in the body of the Emperor Karl Franz and brought about the final end of the Known World as it was consumed by a tide of Chaos that unmade the very fabric of reality.

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