Mack Reynolds Stories: The Martians and the Coys - Short Science Fiction Audiobook

1 year ago
280 - Science Fiction Grand Masters a 17 hour audiobook from the greatest vintage sci-fi writers for only $7.97. Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Clifford D. Simak, Fritz Leiber, Lester Del Rey, Frederik Pohl, Harlan Ellison, Harry Harrison, Damon Knight, Jack Vance, Poul Anderson and Robert Silverberg.

Lem was told to guard the still, what he wanted was to go after the Martins. The Martins and The Coys had been feuding for some time and there was nothing better than shootin a Martin. Or was there?

Your honest 5 star ratings and positive reviews on Apple Podcasts are really appreciated. Thanks to mxsandy12 for his recent 5 star rating and review, Awesome look into old school sci fi! Love this pod! A perfect pod for people who love the genre! Thanks mxsandy

Todays author on Lost Sci-Fi led an interesting life. He was a popular and prolific author starting his sci-fi career with the short story Isolationist which ran in the April 1950 edition of Fantastic Adventures magazine. Fantastic Adventures got its start in 1939 and was almost cancelled in 1940 but the October issue that year had unexpectedly good sales so the magazine continued until March 1953. Our author sold another 6 stories to Fantastic Adventures in 1950 and 12 more in 1950 which were published in Out of This World Adventures, Startling Stories and others.

A year later his first novel hit store shelves in 1951 titled The Case of the Little Green Men. The 1951 novel The Case of the Little Green Men is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle formats.

A decade would pass before this author would release another novel in 1961. There were 22 novels in the 60s, 35 in the 70s and 10 more in the 1980s.

In addition to his almost 70 novels, he wrote almost 200 short stories.

Born Dallas McCord Reynolds on November 11th, 1917, in Corcoran, California, he is best known as Mack Reynolds but like most of his successful contemporaries he had a variety of pen names, including Dallas Ross, Mark Mallory, Clark Collins, Guy McCord, Maxine Reynolds, Bob Belmont, and Todd Harding.

His family moved to Baltimore in 1918 and his father became a member of the Socialist Labor Party or SLP. He joined the Socialist Labor Party while he was still in high school and shortly thereafter began touring the country with his father giving lectures and speeches about SLP. His father Verne La Rue Reynolds was the Socialist Labor Party Presidential Candidate in both 1928 and 1932.

Reynolds began his writing career as a reporter for the Catskill Morning Star and then as editor of the weekly Oneonta News.

He moved back to California and continued his work for the Socialist Labor Party even campaigning with SLP presidential candidate John Aiken in 1940. He attended the U.S. Army Marine Officer’s Cadet School and the U.S. Marine Officer’s School, joined the U.S. Army Transportation Corps in 1944 and was stationed in the Philippines as a ship’s navigator until 1945.

He married his first wife in 1937 and was divorced in 1945. A year later his first fiction sale, “What is Courage?”, was published in Esquire magazine. In 1947 he married his second wife and she agreed to support him for two years to get his writing career off the ground. Reynolds moved to Taos, New Mexico. His career took off, he moved to Mexico then Greece, Yugoslavia, Algeria, Morocco, Spain, Eastern Europe, Finland, India, Japan, and Hong Kong.

When he wrote How to Retire without Money, under the pen name Bob Belmont, it caused the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Labor Party to charge Reynolds with “supporting the fraudulent claims of capitalist apologists” and he resigned his membership.

Lem didn’t like guarding the still while Paw and the boys went feuding. He wanted to get a shot at some Martins too! Yup, he sure did… From Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy in June 1951, The Martians and the Coys by Mack Reynolds.

Reynolds was once voted the most popular science fiction author by the readers of Galaxy Science Fiction magazine.

Next week on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, evil creatures from the land of darkness on the other side of the moon are coming for is daughter. They were headed for Mars but crash landed on this moon of Jupiter’s. A thousand colonists trying to contact the earth, trying to survive. Will her father save her from a fate worse than death with his huge part-human war-machine? Find out next week on the Lost Sci-Fi podcast.

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